We understand that coming to the dentist causes a certain amount of anxiety for many of our patients, young and old alike. It may be the fear of the unknown, a difficult personal experience, or stories of a ‘bad experience’ from a friend or family member. It is our goal at Family Dentist Tree to ensure all of our patient’s feel comfortable during their appointments.
We would like to offer some tips that may be helpful in preparing your child for a positive first visit to the dentist.
Our dentists recommend your child’s first check-up and cleaning around age three, unless there is a problem or concern before then. Prior to their first appointment, you can bring them with you to your cleaning appointment if you’d like! This will help familiarize your child with our office and lets them see how their first appointment will go, and how well you do at yours!.Helpful tips:
When telling them about their first appointment, keep it simple:
“The hygienist will clean your teeth and make them shiny!”
“The dentist will count your teeth.”
“You will get to sit in the big chair!”
In addition, if you are preparing for your child’s first appointment to do a filling, remove a tooth or address a potential tooth ache, these tips may be helpful as well:
Most of the time, the less explaining, the better! Please be careful to avoid using words and phrases such as: shot, needle, “it might hurt,” or “there is nothing to be scared of.”
We have lots of creative ways to explain what we will be doing before treatment begins, for example, instead of using the word drill for our hand piece, we might say to your child, “This is Mr. Whistler, he will help us chase the sugar bugs away!” Another phrase we may use is “we will use sleepy water to put your tooth to sleep.”
We offer Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) at your discretion and have TV’s on the ceiling with headphones that can help them feel relaxed and comfortable.
Although we do allow parents in the treatment rooms at any time during their visit, it has been our experience to have your child come to the treatment room alone, while reassuring them that mom or dad will be right here waiting when we are finished! This is only a recommendation and of course we respect the parent’s wishes if they would like to accompany their child during their visit.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s visit, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time! You can find out more information about first visits here!
We look forward to seeing your child soon!