Family Dentist Tree
First, if the tooth is a baby tooth, DON’T plan on replanting the tooth. Replanting baby teeth can cause damage to the developing permanent tooth and is not recommended. However, if the tooth is a permanent tooth, grab the tooth by the crown (not the root) and very gently clean any debris off the tooth with water, being careful not to remove and tissue attached to the root.
Next, gently insert the tooth back into the socket (you can do it!) Make sure the tooth isn’t in there backwards (easy mistake) and call your dentist ASAP. If you cannot bring yourself to reinsert the tooth, place the tooth in a cup of milk or contact solution and call your dentist ASAP. Time is of the essence with knocked out teeth. If a tooth is out of the mouth for more than an hour, the chances of the tooth surviving are quite low. If you are having a dental emergency you can contact us at here!