Tooth Friendly Halloween Treats

Did you know that over 600 million pounds of candy are sold during the week of Halloween with October 28th being the highest selling day? We all love this holiday, but there are ways to celebrate and keep those trick-or-treaters happy without the risk of tooth decay! Alternative handouts to candy: ~ for those afraid of the dark or who just enjoy lighting up the night, receiving light up glow sticks, bracelets or necklaces are fun and help parents keep track of their little ghouls. ~ small bottles of water to quench the thirst from hauling around heavy costumes and Read More →

Teeth Whitening: Leave it to the Professionals

via GIPHY x Probably the easiest step you can take is just swapping out your regular toothpaste and mouthwash for a whitening variety, which can help to lighten stains with regular use. Beyond that, home whitening kits come in a variety of forms, from pens, to strips, and complete mouth guard kits. Depending on the kit’s ingredients and brand, you’re probably able to pick one up at your local grocery store or drugstore. However, while home kits are affordable and easily accessible, most don’t contain enough active ingredients to effectively lift stains from the teeth. In fact, legally, these products Read More →

Meet Dr. Watson!

Dr. James Watson just celebrated his three year anniversary with Family Dentist Tree! He is a wonderful addition to our team, so our Business Manager, Marie, did an “interview” with him so you can get to know him just like we have! Marie: Where were you born and raised? Dr. Watson: I was born in Wichita, KS, but I have lived in Rochester since I was three years old. I am a graduate of Lourdes High School. Marie: Tell us about your parents. Dr. Watson: My mom is a retired dental hygienist. She retired about a year and a half ago Read More →

PRO’S and CON’S of saving vs. extracting a tooth

via GIPHY When a patient arrives with an aching tooth, their first thought may be to “TAKE THIS THING OUT”! For some cases an extraction may be the only option; however, that is a decision that you and your dentist can make together. Making the best choice now could save you time and money in the long run. Many times when a patient arrives with a constant, throbbing tooth, it likely needs a root canal. A root canal replaces infected pulp in a tooth’s canal and may be completed by your General Dentist or by an Endodontist. Once the root Read More →

Oral Hygiene and Braces

Many of us have had braces and know how difficult it can be to keep them clean. Especially when eating foods like bread, corn on the cob, foods with seeds and so much more. Here are some helpful ways to continue good oral hygiene while having braces. Brushing: You will want to brush after every meal and before bedtime for at least 2 minutes. It is best to use an electric toothbrush. You may need to replace your toothbrush more often than normal due to the extra wear your braces will place on the bristles. It is a good idea Read More →

What could be causing your tooth pain?

We’ve all been there, waking up in the middle of the night, not being able to fall asleep, and enduring a long, painful day, all because of a toothache. We’ve asked out doctors to help us in identifying the most common reasons for dental pain, listed below. Some of the more common ways dental pain is experienced are: Sensitivity to temperature Pain when biting or chewing Dull or throbbing aches Constant Pain The most common issues associated with these types of pain include: Infection: If you have swollen gums, a small bump on your gums, or fluid or pus present, Read More →

Wisdom about Wisdom Teeth!

Third molars (also known as wisdom teeth) are the four teeth located furthest back in the mouth, and are the last to develop, usually beginning around age 16. Keep in mind the age for wisdom teeth development can vary greatly; some people don’t develop wisdom teeth at all, and some develop more than four! Whether your teeth are currently causing an issue or not, your dentist may recommend you get them extracted. Wisdom teeth can be monitored by your dentist using a panorex x-ray. This x-ray identifies presence, alignment and orientation of the wisdom teeth. There are several reasons a Read More →

Burning Mouth Syndrome: WHAT IS IT?

Have you ever had an unsolicited numbness or burning sensation in your mouth? If so, it may be Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS). Burning mouth is the sensation of burning in the tongue and often the palate; however, it may also occur anywhere in the mouth. The sensation is commonly described as the discomfort felt when the tongue is burned with hot coffee. Additionally, it may be described as a tender, tingling, hot, scalding, or numb sensation. Most individuals with BMS find the burning sensation gets worse throughout the day. The mouth may feel fine in the morning only to develop Read More →

Tooth Brushing Resistance – How to Teach Your Child That Brushing Can Be Fun!

Teaching your child to take care of their teeth is just one way you can show them how to take responsibility for their body.  This can be a challenge because toddlers are motivated mainly by fun and pleasure, not by health and necessity.  If you want to end your child’s resistance to brushing, your best bet is to make this chore a fun ritual for them.  They will eventually catch on that brushing their teeth is a regular and necessary part of taking care of their whole body—and they’ll enjoy doing it.  Here are some tricks you can use to Read More →

Worst Behaviors for Your Teeth

There are a number of common habits that can cause harm to your teeth that you may not know about. For example, drinking certain beverages, chewing on things like ice or popcorn kernels, smoking, and lip or tongue piercings. Casual everyday things, such as, not wearing a mouth guard, hard bristled brushes and using your teeth to open things can damage your teeth in many ways. Ask about a custom mouth guard at your next visit! Mouth guards are recommended for anyone participating in contact sports. They protect your teeth from cracks and fractures. Tongue or lip piercings can chip and crack Read More →